The Clutch of Sharys: Chapter Seventeen

Chapter 17 - A Preview of Promise 

The spirits of the humans killed in the First Children’s attacks flew to Sharys, begging for help.

The smell was what hit Cara first, the moist, deep scent of fresh earth that she took several deep breaths of as they walked inside the unadorned hall that led into the building. She had been expecting something closer to the smell of a barn, with all of the different animals housed within the Ark, but this was a pleasant surprise and the sound of running water enticed Cara's attention as she emerged out of the small hall that led to the main chamber.

High metal fences walled the stone path that extended before Cara's feet, uniform and straight spikes solidly interlaced to keep their occupants apart. Overhead, clear glass walkways spread across the different enclosures, the light pouring in from the transparent ceiling dotted by many hanging nests and cages. The faint calls of birds filled the air, and Cara could hear the cry of a Netian mountain cat in the distance. Trees stretched up towards the roof of the dome, and everywhere aside from the neatly laid path was thick with emerald grass. 

"Lady Myzanti?" The dignified woman's voice asked her, tired impatience tingling her tone. Cara realized she had been goggling around like a wide-eyed child and quickly hastened to catch up, hustling down the path. Leading her around several bends and turns, the sound of falling water intensified as the air got cooler, and Cara could see the beginning of a waterfall near the back wall as they walked. A sparkling glass staircase extended up to its left side, its spiral shape guided by a thick rail of white metal that led up to a small landing.

"Her Royal Highness and the rest of her guests await you at the end of the passage, my Lady. Enjoy the reception." The graceful woman intoned, coming to a stop and smoothly curtsying before waving a hand up the staircase. 

"Thank you." Cara replied, giving a quick nod as she passed the woman by and began climbing the staircase. The little dragon in her arms let out a soft coo as well, which was ignored alongside Cara's words as the older lady quickly swept away, back towards the entrance of the Ark. 

At the top of the stairs, beside an ornate doorway wreathed in thin gold branches, waited a blonde maid with a tray of clear flutes of bubbly liquid. Nodding her head to Cara, the pretty young woman offered her one of the flutes, the contents a pale green.

"Pear and cherry blossom fizz, My Lady." The girl said. Cara glanced at the contents and then awkwardly shook her head, passing through the doorway and stepping out onto one of the glass walkways.

The walkway was tubular in design, and Cara could see the flashes of colorful crimson feathers as a pair of scorchbirds flew past. The corridor seemed to continue quite a ways towards the center of the massive Ark. Walking slowly, Cara looked down to see if she could spot any of the creatures living inside the exhibits. 

At first, the only reward she received was the tops of plants and bushes, but soon the foliage thinned out, and Cara saw a large lagoon of water, no doubt an offspring of the nearby waterfall. Within its depths, a pair of shimmering, molten fish swam through, boiling the water when they got too close to the surface. Continuing onwards, Cara noticed that the floor of the walkway was sloping upwards, and the faint buzz of voices was steadily growing to a hum. 

She paused when movement caught the corner of her eye, and a great, shaggy bison stepped through some nearby bushes, lumbering its way towards the pond. Cara crouched down slightly as her dragon squeaked in interest, tiny claws digging into her skin as the hatchling leaned forward. Unperturbed by its observers, the wooly creature walked towards the lagoon, slowly lowering itself into the warm waters and letting out a rumbling sigh.

Standing upright, Cara crossed the final expanse of the tunnel before exiting into a giant glass and iron sphere that hovered in the center of the Ark. Several doorways such as hers lined the rooms, some leading down towards the ground and disappearing into the water, and some leading off before they disappeared into the trees. A glass floor bisected the sphere, crowned by a collection of couches and tables neatly set up in a semi-circle and already partially occupied.

Four people currently occupied the space, comfortably chatting as a small team of servants waited on them, hand and foot, dashing back and forth whenever one of them raised a hand for assistance. The first person who caught Cara's eye was the only one standing up; her short blonde bob was loosely curled today, the pale blonde making the black of the coronet on her head stand out. 

The Princess was dressed in a long, deep green skirt that came up to an immaculately tailored height on her waist, the fabric embellished with swirling designs of gold thread. The simple, sleeveless white top that finished the outfit was supposed to go under some sort of jacket, but that had been discarded over the back of one of the nearby couches. "Lady Myzanti." Princess Petra said, not raising her voice in volume yet still addressing Cara directly. 

Pausing awkwardly, Cara bobbed a quick curtsy, looking down as she spoke. "Your Highness." She said, swallowing her pride. "Thank you for your invitation." The Princess’s pale eyebrow arched at her as a slow smile of amusement spread across her face. "Well, I'm glad you came. After your…" she paused, slyly glancing over to her right, where the Kitisalian girl lay reclined on the couch, a mess of hair cascading over the arm while her legs neatly dangled off the side so as to be 'proper.’ To Cara, it looked mildly uncomfortable to lie like that, but then again, court mannerisms were often odd in her mind. 

On the Princess’s cue, Ahnn lifted her head and looked over at Cara, her face expressionless. "...rude and abrupt exit last night." She finished, voice flat. Cara was slightly unnerved by how little the girl let on if she was serious or not.

"I wasn't sure you were even going to show! Tamara over there bet five queen scales on you ignoring me." 

Cara's eye followed over to where the Princess had indicated with a gentle tilt of her chin, to where a woman lay stretched across the couch at the head of the circle, shoes up on the furniture comfortably. She had Farcan coloration, the dusky skin that the cruel heat of their deserts produced surrounding an angular face with a joking smile that was grinning at Cara. 

Shrugging her shoulders playfully, the woman said, "Nothing personal, my lady. I just always bet on the least probable outcome." 

The Princess let out a laugh at this, affectionately shaking her head. "As glib as ever, there was a tongue." She said, shifting her attention back to Cara. "Do take a seat, Lady Myzanti. The match will be starting in a bit, but feel free to ask for whatever you'd like from the staff." Two purple-robed employees of the church entered through a back doorway as she spoke, and the Princess excused herself to talk to them, an unhappy look on her face. 

Cara took a seat on the only one of the three couches that didn't have anyone laying across it, where a young woman sat neatly perched, a cup of tea within her small hands. Taking a seat at the other end of the couch, Cara scooped her little dragon off her shoulder and placed it neatly on the cushion beside her.

After a moment's consideration of the hatchling, the young lady turned to face Cara, a distant but curious expression on her face. "Lady Myzanti, pleased to make your acquaintance." The girl said, her voice high and airy. Cara opened her mouth to return the sentiment, but the girl continued, answering the next question that Cara would've asked. "Lady Konstan." The girl nodded her head, her large chocolate brown curls accentuating the movement. 

Cara supposed she shouldn't be surprised to find the daughter of one of the wealthiest houses at the princess’s gathering and gave the girl a cautious side-eye. Was the airy vagueness all an act to get her to drop her guard? Lady Konstan clicked her fingers twice, summoning forward several servants that carried platters of drinks and food. Selecting a piece of pink fish meat meant to go on bagels, the dark-headed heiress held it out to Cara’s little dragon, whose attention was rapidly held by the flesh. 

Waving the morsels back and forth, the girl waited for the dragon to come and get it from her, but the hatchling remained unmoving as its eyes hungrily gazed at the food. Cara reached out and scratched between the thin wing joints of the dragon, silently willing her to stay still and behave. The hatchling cocked her head and watched the meat but did not move to get it. 

"Well, it is quite smart, isn't it?" Lady Konstan mildly remarked, handing the morsel to Cara and wiping her fingers on a napkin offered by the nearest servant. 

“Mm,” Cara said tactfully.

"We had to spend a full week teaching my Naryia not to snap at people’s fingers while they're eating, but what is one to expect of a Rank Eight?" Lady Konstan smiled somewhat wistfully at her own expense, looking down at the hatchling which was now devouring the meat. "I remember when he was that small. Such a joyful time." Her eyes slowly slid back up to Cara's, her head tilting to the left as if in thought. "I somewhat envy your ability to partake in the Trial. My parents wouldn't hear of anyone attempting after the King's little brother died in his attempt when they were children." 

Cara nodded thoughtfully. The scandal and fear from that story were tales her father had recounted to her when she was young.

“Well, of course, they wouldn't want to risk their beloved heirs." The princess’s voice smoothly cut in as she rejoined the conversation. "Would that the king showed such value towards his children." Cara was shocked to hear the princess openly criticizing the king, but one glance around the room told her that this was not unusual, so she kept her mouth shut. 

"How did you fare in your Trial, Lady Myzanti?" The princess pointedly asked, throwing Cara off guard with the question. Typically, the discussion of what happened during and as a result of your time in the trial was normally taboo, though her sister's comments about the noble families telling their children made more sense. 

"I… survived, more or less." Cara said carefully, looking down at her hatchling to avoid the princess’s piercing gaze. 

"Hmm. More or less is a good way of putting it." The princess leaned in closer, a conspiratorial smile on her face. "I actually lost one of my toes during mine." 

Cara's eyebrows shot up as she stumbled through, saying, "Oh, I'm sorry for your loss, Your Highness." 

The green-eyed girl shrugged, looking unbothered. "Why? I'm not. I'd go through it again in a heartbeat for the chance to hatch Lysander."

Her cheeks flushing, Cara shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She hated being such a mess with words and interactions in court, and she felt like she was playing a game without knowing half the rules and making all of the wrong moves while those who knew how to play looked on in indifferent amusement.

“Your sister is General Myzanti then?” Lady Tamara said, looking over at Cara with a curious gaze.

“Last I checked, that was still true.” Cara replied, voice careful.

“My entire family are enormous fans of hers. Mother said she’s never seen someone wield weapons quite like your sister does.”

“Well, of course, Admiral Calogira trained her himself, and she’s proven to be quite the tactical adept when it comes to shardcombat.” Lady Konstan offered, taking a sip of her tea.

Cara stayed silent, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as the girls discussed her sister’s already illustrious military career, gushing over her victories and accomplishments.

“How does it feel, Lady Myzanti, to be the sister of one of the youngest generals in Netian history? Such a rare thing, for someone to be promoted so fast.” Princess Petra asked, pinning Cara in place with her sharp gaze. 

She was saved from the sharp scrutiny of the princess’s attention by the creaking sound of a case being opened, and the two Servants of Sharys that had arrived retrieved a large, solid green crystal from within the case, a light pulsing faintly in its depths. One of the two, a woman with a polished appearance despite the plain nature of her clothing, addressed the princess. "The declaration should happen any minute now, your Highness, and we shall begin our broadcast as soon as possible."

Nodding, Petra walked back over towards the table near the couch that Ahnn was reclined on, leaning one hand onto the table at its end and the other on her hip. The princess clearly had no intention of sitting down for the match, and Cara found herself scooting forward towards the edge of her seat. A servant appeared near her elbow, offering a dish of the fragrant ice that had been served at the feast. Cara took it and placed it on the table in front of her, the servants quickly placing more refreshments and snacks out.

"Tamara, if you would?" The princess said, gesturing to the glass dome overhead. Lazily, the tall girl raised a hand, the shadows from underneath her couch coming with. Small, pulling clouds began to form over her hand, inky and dull to look at. Abruptly, Tamara dropped her hand, the shadow falling between her fingers to the floor. On contact, it spread out, covering the ceiling and walls of the dome in a layer of thin darkness. Because the coating wasn’t heavy, faint light still leaked into the room, which Cara judged to be the intent by the look of satisfaction on the Princess’s face. 

Near the front of the room, the light within the shard of crystal pulsed, the stone slowly floating out of its case. The light became brighter, finally becoming a flickering image of a large city made entirely of light, full of narrow buildings and stone spires with pointed roofs. The architectural style looked to be Ataran, in Cara's opinion, but the buildings were all slightly transparent, facsimiles of the real things made to look and feel real for the combat’s participants. 

As Cara leaned forward to try to squint out more details, one of the Servants of Sharys stepped forward, tearing her focus away from the match participants, who were being transported in on beams of light. The young woman placed one hand on the crystal and the other out face up, the image shining out of her hand in a magnified screen of light. The picture spread taller than Cara and broader than the scope of her vision, the edges just out of sight and providing a wide-angle view of the battlefield. Next to step up to the shard was a middle-aged man with a bit of a paunch peeking through his purple robes, but he too placed a hand on the crystal. 

The other he extended out toward them as though instructing them to halt, his eyes glowing as a rush of sound emanated from him. Cara watched in excitement as images appeared in the arena's sky, a quick flash of each rider and dragon entering the arena, backed by their country’s flag. The lower rank dragons went by quicker, and Cara saw what must've been hundreds of faces blue by the red and blue flag of Netia shimmering behind them. 

A pleasant, feminine voice began speaking, emanating again from the servant, providing the sound from the match. Cara narrowed her eyes and spotted the shard in his hands, clearly broadcasting the voice through the network and into the room. "Good morning to you, people of Netis, and may the blessing of the Godbeast be upon you." The calm, feminine voice intoned, the sound so clear Cara could have sworn the announcer was standing in the room with them, even though the rider in front of them had not moved her lips. “By right of Blood and Seal, may your differences be settled upon the holy fields of light, and may your safety be held within the clutch of Sharys.”

Eyeing the Servants of Sharys in front of the group, she wondered just how powerful these riders were. As the voice ran through a quick list of names for the leading roster, Cara's eyes flicked over to the Princess. She supposed that only the best would be suitable for one of the favored heirs of the King. "-led by General Alexander Konstan, the Magmatic Lion." Cara looked back in dismay to realize that she had missed her sister's arrival, though she appeared lower in the image beneath a tawny, golden-haired man in black armor. 

He had a round yet extremely handsome face; blue eyes set deep under a brooding brow. A short, golden beard curled around his chin, and his looks put on full display as he held his helmet under his arm.

"The forces of Ataran are fielding-" Cara stopped listening as a buzz had begun among Lady Konstan and Lady Tamara, with the latter remarking on her brother's good looks. 

"Yes, darling, but he's old. " Lady Konstan wrinkled her nose. "More than old enough to be your father, in fact." 

Tamara shrugged playfully, smirking at the brown-headed girl. "Maybe that's how I like them, darling." She shot back, earning a chuckle from the princess. 

"I wouldn't recommend wasting the time." Princess Petra said, "Besides, General Myzanti is much more within your age range, Tamara." 

"And married." Cara shot out, uncomfortable with where that topic was heading. Tamara laughed, waving her off and returning her eyes to the screen and focusing on the introduction of the Ataran forces.

"If only dragon combat could be held outside of Shardcombat without the creatures fading. We would fast overtake such a small nation." The princess remarked thoughtfully, looking up at the people being introduced as well.

Cara looked over at her. “Isn’t that the point? To prevent another destruction like the cataclysm of the lost?” 

“Yes, yes. No fighting, or you’ll destroy the world, keep its creatures and plants safe in the ark, everyone knows the tenants of the seal, could we focus on the match?” Lady Tamara said impatiently, silencing the discussion. 

"-Royal Highness Princess Anya of Ataran, The Countess of Rats and Shadows, Bree Starkoff, led by -" Cara's breath caught in her chest as one of her favorite people in the whole world unexpectedly appeared in a burst of light into the arena. When Bree mentioned in a past letter that the name of her newest beau was Anya, Cara hadn’t thought she meant that Anya, though in hindsight, she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised.

Familiar, almond-shaped deep blue eyes searched the battlefield, Bree’s wide lips curling into a smile as she caught sight of Keti across the field, mounting Plythia. Blunt, straight black hair was gathered up securely into a long ponytail at the back of the Countess’s head, bangs cutting a neat line across her forehead. She turned and said something to the Princess beside her, a girl with wispy yellow hair peeking out of a crowned helmet. Cara didn't get to hear what it was she said because the rider projecting the sound was solely focused on magnifying the Churches announcer as they finished introductions and explained that it was a skirmish match, not an official dispute, and thus the terms were not set beyond the winning and losing conditions. 

With those words, a flash appeared in the sky, a ring of green fire that rotated over the field. Pieces of it licked off as the flames intensified, burning white-hot at the tips as they rained down towards the riders below. 


The Clutch of Sharys: Chapter Eighteen


The Clutch of Sharys: Chapter Sixteen